A wise man once said "less is more", with this song I can confirm he was right
A wise man once said "less is more", with this song I can confirm he was right
Neat as always
AAAAA Iaem bak!1!!
I listened 2 ur new songs and I gotta say, nice job dude! Those lyrics are sick imo even tho, like I said a million times, I know shit about music but man, when I listen to something I enjoy then I enjoy it, uhhhhh what
Anyways, keep up the good work dude!
Thank you!!! Hope you stick around I’ve got more coming soon :)
Oh my gawd, here in my country its morning, I just woke up, had to unplug everything in my house bc of a storm, this song fits perfectly and was released just in time -u-
Thanks a lot
Too bad I had already lost, banger regardless
Holy shit you wasn't bluffing, this is actually great!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!! I hope you stick around to listen to the rest of the stuff I’ve got coming! 😌
That part from 00:12 to 00:23 gives me madness combat vibes, I think I need to stop fanboying that series... at least for a second...
Now seriously, I guess this one track's okay, I know nothing about music as I said several times, so I guess I might be the only one to find this a bit simple, maybe that's because I'm comparing it to some of your works, but I can understand that the switch of program can result into some messy results (not saying that this one is, tbh I would've expected something far worse) I like the bouncy rhythm tho, and yea, that would be pretty much it.
Still I wish ya the best with that! :D
yeah i'm learning a new software in the meantime of making some more stuff on my main project :P
that's why i kinda kept it simple.
Hmmmmm YESSSSSSSSS, this is not really the genre I'm used to listen, but this sounds really great, I like the "mixture" of the drums and the... pungi? maybe? (yea I don't have any knowledge on music and such as you can see), and as a latin american I can say that this is indeed very latin american lololol
Thank you, I’m not exactly sure what this genre is at all but I got very experimental especially because I’m not familiar with this type of music.
Damn that slaps hardly, nice work as always duds! c:
Holy fucking shit, that's energetic AF, LOVE IIIIIIT
One of the, if not the laziest, dude on this platform
Age 15, Male
Who even fills this bullshit?
Uruguay (a.k.a U r gay)
Joined on 6/2/24